Books by the Boxful

Choose from a box of 6, 12 or 25+ paperback fiction books. You choose the genre and we choose the books. Mixed fiction, crime/thriller/mystery and women’s interest/romance/chick-lit options are available. Some will be contemporary titles, others may be timeless classics. There may be well known authors, others could be authors that you may not have previously encountered. All the books will be secondhand and the conditions will range from Good to Like New. There will be no duplicates. All prices include UK postage. And  we plant a tree for every box ordered. 

If you are interested in books by the boxful for hardback fiction, other genres, nonfiction or vintage books, please contact us and we will see what we can do. 

Books by the Boxful

Small Box 6 Books
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Medium Box 12 Books
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Mega Box 25 to 30 books
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