We are Planting Trees!

For every order over £10 that we receive, we are planting a tree at our premises near Cambridge.  This includes not only orders placed with us directly but also orders via our online stores on eBay, AbeBooks, Amazon and Biblio.

Planting trees helps tackle climate change and supports the environment.  According to the Woodland Trust a young wood with mixed native species can lock up over 400 tonnes of carbon in trees, roots and soil.   Not only this, creating an area of woodland and planting some hedging will also provide a valuable habitat for plants, birds, insects and animals.  We are planting a mix of native woodland species that includes oak, chestnut, ash, hawthorn, blackthorn, wild and bird cherry, field maple, hornbeam, hazel, beech, spindle, rowan and silver birch.  

The trees are to be planted as bare rooted saplings which we’ve ordered from a Cambridgeshire nursery.  We are waiting for them to enter dormancy for the winter when they will be shipped to us and we will then get planting.  Meanwhile we are busy preparing the ground so that it’s ready for when the saplings arrive. 

We’ve also planted some acorns, beechnuts and chestnuts that we’ve found during our walks this autumn so hopefully some of these will germinate so we can transplant them out next year.

But planting a tree is just the start. It then has to be nurtured and tended to.  So this is a long-term project.

We’ll be posting updates once we get planting so come back regularly and see how we and the trees are progressing. 

Place an order with Cambridge Recycled Books to help us plant more trees.


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